Basic Safety on the Silveridge Pickleball Courts
- Wear court shoes. Playing with non-court shoes is strongly discouraged from a safety perspective.
- Wear protective eye wear.
- Stretch before and AFTER playing.
- Don’t overplay your current physical condition. “Just one more game” has caused way too many accidents!
- Hydrate before your game. Drink water BEFORE you are thirsty; otherwise it’s too late.
- If you see someone who displays signs of dizziness, weakness, or lack of concentration, keep an eye on them. Recommend a time-out if you think it necessary for their sake.
- If you hit a ball into another court, immediately YELL “Ball in Court”. Do NOT chase it onto the other court where play is ongoing. Put your hand up if you are the server so the other court knows who to return the ball to.
- If a ball comes onto your court from another court, STOP PLAY AT ONCE. Same if you hear “Ball in Court” yelled from another court. Pick up and toss the pickleball or use your paddle to transfer the pickleball courteously in the direction of the opponent.
- If you are going behind an active court to get to a vacant court or to leave a court, wait until their current point is over and move quickly as a group to clear the court.
- Be conscious of where your partner is. Don’t hit balls when your partner is in your way. Communicate with your partner. Use “You” or “Me”. This avoids collisions.
- Agree in advance that you will cover lobs if your partner’s mobility is limited and you can go back safely; otherwise, let the lobs go. Do not risk injury for a point.
- When covering a lob, do not step or run backwards. Turn and run sideways only.
- Don’t dive for balls; it’s just a game. If you can’t avoid a fall, tuck and roll rather than extending out your hands.
- If someone falls on the court, all play STOPS until their needs are addressed. The Club has a first-aid kit and call 911 if required.
Silveridge Pickleball_Court Safety_September 22 2022