2023 Annual General Meeting
When: Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 4:30PM
Who: current members will receive an email invitation from SignUpGenius to register their attendance.
Where: ballroom
Why: elect officers for the Executive Committee, receive updates, and provide feedback.
Offices of Executive Committee: President; 1st Vice President; 2nd Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary; Communications Officer
A Nomination Committee has been appointed by the President. Mary Ann Jordan (lot #426) and Jim Beaton (lot #509) have agreed to be on the committee.
All active members of the Club who own or rent in Silveridge are eligible to be officers of the Executive Committee. Officers serve a one-year term.
The current officers have volunteered to stand for re-election except for our Treasurer, Jim Barker. Jim did a great job as Treasurer for the last two years, and we thank Jim and his wife, Nancy, for their hard work and dedication. Debbie Nelson has indicated to the Executive Committee that she would be willing to serve as Treasurer.
Office/Current Candidates
President: Mike Savre
1st Vice President: Bonnie Arbez
2nd Vice President: Barry Halpenny
Secretary: Julie Nosko
Treasurer: Debbie Nelson
Communications Officer: Donna Stensrud
If you would like to nominate someone or run for a position on the Executive Committee, you must notify a member of the Nominating Committee by Friday, February 17, 2023. A final list of candidates will be posted on the sandwich board at the pickleball courts on Saturday, February 18, 2023, for your review. If more than one name is brought forward for any office a vote by paper ballot will be held for that office at the AGM.
Food: pizza will be served after the AGM at approximately at 5:30pm
Proposed Agenda: Annual General Meeting Agenda_Mar 4 2023