Newsletter – December 18, 2019

Hi Folks:

Just a couple updates before the end of the year.

I have received some complaints about people playing in the wrong groups in the round robins. During November & December there weren't that many players so none of the groups were full during the round robins.  I therefore encouraged members that if they felt they had improved their play to go ahead and attend a round robin with the next advanced group to see how they did. In January when everyone has returned to Silveridge everyone will have to adhere to their respective groups as we only have room for 19 players at each round robin.  If you are being defeated at every round robin game you are obviously struggling with the calibre of that group and should consider stepping down one level to make it fair for everyone.

I have also received a complaint of foul language being used on the court.  This is totally unacceptable.  I hope that by mentioning it in this Newsletter that anyone using this type of language will take heed and stop immediately.

Park management has been asked to repair the existing court lights.  We have been told that they are waiting for repairs to their lift to do the necessary repairs.

Our Christmas Potluck Party on Saturday, December 14th was a success with 60 people attending.  Thanks again to Betty Royal & Karen Hendrickson for organizing the event and the fun games and prizes.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Dave Etienne



Membership is $10. Pay John Faktor at lot #565.

We have an “Introduction to Pickleball” clinic, for people new to pickleball, on December 21 and January 11 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm for to learn more about the sport we love! Visit the “Events” page to register.

There will be a 20-30 minute demonstration on how to use and book the pickleball ball machine on Friday, December 20, 2019 and Friday, January 10, 2020 at 2:00 pm. Visit the “Events” page to register.

Skills & Drills Clinics:

·    Advanced, December 21

·    Intermediate, January 4

·    Beginners, January 11

·    Intermediate, January 18

·    Advanced, January 25

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