Newsletter – January 17, 2020

Hello Folks,

It is cloudy and a bit cool today, but still heaven compared to the frigid weather in the northern States and western Canada.

The current membership has reached 196 members of which 45 of those are new members. We welcome the new members and members of our executive will be attending a few of your level 1.0 round robins to try to help you to get familiar with the game.

Don't forget that this Saturday, January 18th is Market Day from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm at the Centre and our pickleball club will be raffling off several baskets of goodies.  Be sure to drop by to purchase the winning tickets.  We will also be conducting an Intermediate Clinic for groups 2.5, 3.0 & 3.5 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Following that we will be having a “Fun Day” at the courts from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Bring your own drinks and an appetizer/snack for everyone to enjoy and plan on having a good time.

I am pleased to say that the membership has really pitched in to help with the bottle pickup. Now that most people have arrived at Silveridge RV Resort it is important that whoever is picking up the plastic bottles be sure to visit each pickup site at least every other day to avoid over filled containers at the sites particularly at the dog parks.

Just a reminder anyone wishing to move up to another round robin group, please contact an executive member (the executive members are listed on the bulletin board at the courts and on our website along with their contacts).  We will then assign an executive member(s) to watch your play during round robin play.  The executive will then inform you whether they feel you need to move up or not.

We have chosen Wednesday, February 5th to be the evening where we encourage our membership to attend bingo night at the centre.  The earnings from the bingo nights are the funds used by the Renters Association to donate financial help to the various Silveridge clubs and groups. In addition, this is a fun outing for everyone especially if any of our members are winners. Sign-up sheets will be posted at the bulletin boards at the courts and next to the Activities Office at the Centre.  Please be sure to specify whether you plan to have supper at the bingo as the kitchen must know the number to feed by Friday, January 31st.

Unfortunately, Jill Vokes, our basket raffle chairperson, will be leaving Silveridge early March of this year.  We are going to miss her as she has done a terrific job of collecting material and preparing very professional looking baskets for our raffles.  That means we need someone to step up and replace her for the rest of this year and hopefully, next winter as well. Now is the opportune time to volunteer so that Jill can work with you on February's basket raffle and then pass the torch. If you are interested, please contact any member of our executive.

We are also looking for a volunteer to help us with the project of organizing the purchase of club shirts for the membership.  Again if you are interested please contact a member of our membership.

Barry Halpenny has agreed to champion another Silveridge Pickleball Fun Tournament. Last year was a tremendous success and I heard nothing but congratulatory remarks regarding the tournament. The tournament for the 1.0, 2.0 & 2.5 groups will be held Saturday, February 29th.  The tournament for the 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 groups will be held Saturday, March 14th.   Be sure to mark those dates on your calendars.  More information will be provided as the plans are finalized.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held in March. We will be looking for members who are interested in joining the executive group to fill the president and vice president roles. Prior to the meeting we will send out the agenda and ask for names to be forwarded for consideration.

Finally if you have any questions/concerns you can reach me at (204) 271-4766 or

Last but not least remember the game is played with “Patience,” by “Keeping the ball in play,” and by “Having Fun.”

See you on the court!

Dave Etienne, President



Membership is $10. Pay John Faktor at lot #565.

Remember to wear your name tag while playing pickleball.

Pickleball Ball Machine: Recent demonstrations were completed. Book and use the machine to practice and develop your skills.

If you know someone who is interested in attending an Introduction to Pickleball Clinic, guide them to visit the “Events” page on our website to register for the Feb 8 or Mar 7 clinic.

Market Day: Jan 18

Play Bingo: Feb 5 and sign up before Jan 31

Fun Tournaments:

Feb 28: 1.0, 2.0 & 2.5

Mar 14: 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0

SignUpGenius Questions? Speak to George Burnes or Donna Stensrud or send an email to

Skills & Drills Clinics:

  • Intermediate, Jan 18
  • Advanced, Jan 25
  • Beginner’s, Feb 1
  • Intermediate, Feb 8

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