Some members have been inquiring when, where and how tournament players from our park are doing. I have requested a list from the players of when their tournaments are. The times are not immediately available til shortly before the date. I would suggest if you are interested in going to watch them you keep the list below and keep in contact with them as their tournaments approach for their starting times. I will add to this list as I get more information from the club members.
George Burnes / Mark Rubertus, Venture Out, Feb.6th 11:20
George Burnes / Mark Rubertus, Leisure World, Feb.15th
George Burnes / Elaine Spooner, Casa Grande, Mar.2nd
George Burnes / Mike Prentice, Casa Grande, Mar.3rd
Barry / Barb Halpenny, Sunland Springs Village, Feb. 27th
Barry / Barb Halpenny, Encanterra Resort, Mar.19th-22nd
Barb Halpenny / Elaine Spooner, Encanterra Resort, Mar.19th-22nd
Bob Minnitti / Larry DeMarchi, Venture Out, Feb.6th 11:20
Julie Erickson / Larry DeMarchi, Encanterra Resort, Mar. 19th-22nd
Larry, President