Newsletter – Sept 28, 2018


As the days are getting shorter and colder it is time to be thinking about going south and playing some pickleball. The executive has also started to plan for the upcoming season.  With some of you lucky people going early I thought I would send out an information update with what we have planned and some minor changes that will take place this season. Important dates and events will be listed and will be in the attachments below.

  • Bottle collection will start Sun. Oct.28th using Signup Genius. Last year the same members were doing most of the pickups. This year we encourage more club members to participate in this important club fundraiser.
  • Round robin play will start Mon. Nov.19th using signup genius.
  • The executive has changed the “level” description. We have changed it to “group” distinction. There are no longer incremental increases. This will simplify the individual groups. The Groups are 1, 2, 3, 3.5.
  • This year with the direction of VP. Dave Etienne, we will be implementing a skills and drills program for the development of our members. These programs will be starting in the New Year. Any one wishing to help Dave with the skills and drills program please contact him as he is in need of volunteers for this very beneficial program.
  • The club is providing a “try before you buy” Selkirk paddle program. We will have the latest paddles available for members to try. Members can then purchase the paddles from the Selkirk website. The club currently has some left over paddles for sale. Julie Erickson is looking after this program. Lot #613
  • The club purchased a ball machine at the end of last season. This year we will be implementing an organized usage program for the ball machine. The signup booking sheets will be located in the information boards at the gazebo. This can be a very valuable asset to help you feel comfortable with or to improve your game. All the executive members are available to help you with setting up the ball machine.
  • The Club is in need of a liaison for Group 1. If you feel you would be interested in helping in this position contact me. Lot#289
  • We are again running our monthly Basket raffles. This has proven to be a great source of revenue for the club. We ask that you consider bringing something from your area to contribute to a basket or to donate a complete basket. Wanda Pyatt along with her group of volunteers is heading up this fundraiser. Lot #637.
  • Membership this year will remain at $10.00. John Faktor will be responsible for the collection of dues. You can also give your dues to any executive member. We strongly encourage all members to pay the $5.00 Renter’s Association fee. Payment is made directly to the Renter’s Association. The Association will keep track of your payment and participation in this valuable program. The Renter’s Association is and has been a strong supporter of our club. Lot#565
  • We will again have our Club Christmas party. Stay tuned for the date. Betty Royal and her committee are in charge of this event.
  • The Club is going off last years membership list. If you are no longer able to join us please drop me a line and I will remove you from our list.

Since youngsters of today have their texting codes, I will be using some “oldies” short cuts myself in future newsletters.

  • ATD – At the Doctor’s
  • BFF – Best friends funeral
  • BTW – Bring the wheelchair
  • BYOT – Bring your own teeth
  • FWIW – Forgot where I was (you will see this one lots )
  • GHA – Got heartburn again
  • TFT – Texting from toilet.

I know myself along with Dave, Rich, John and Allan are excited about the upcoming season and sharing time together. Remember a club that is involved and has a strong volunteer base makes for a great club.

Larry DeMarchi, President

Silveridge Pickleball Club Newsletter Sept 28 2018 attachments

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