President’s Message – Jan 11, 2019

Good morning everyone it is good to see us all getting into the full swing of our activities. We are starting our skills and drills program next week and I encourage as many as possible to participate through signup genius invites.

There seems to be some confusion on the Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 to 3:00 time slot for the Group1-Group2 all play and the Group3-Group3.5 all play. This time slot is not run through signup genius.This court time is set aside for these two groups to play together in a social type all play format. This is a good opportunity to play with different skill levels and to meet members you would not normally meet or play with. This is also a great opportunity to help players out with different aspects of the game. Always remember we all started out sometime learning to play and it was fellow pickleball players that took the time to teach us how to play.

I have been approached by some members that would be interested in going to watch our members that are participating in out of park tournaments. Would any players playing in tournaments send me a list of the tournament, dates,time and place that you are playing and I will send out an email to the membership.

Tomorrow we have our club expo drop by and say hello.

Wanda and her group of merry elf’s have been busy putting together the baskets to raffle at Market Day Sat. Jan.19th 9:00-12:30. As I have said before this is an important fund raiser for the club. Wanda needs volunteers to man ( woman )the raffle ticket table. This is an opportunity to help the club out with your time. Please contact Wanda if you can help put in some time at the table; Ph: 480-373-7637. You can also email me if you can volunteer. Work becomes much easier when everyone does their share.

Our first Fun Day all play is set for Sat.Jan. 19th. 1:30 – 3:30. Bring a snack and some drink if you like and join in on an informal day of P/B with fellow members. This is another opportunity to meet and play with other club members. I look forward to seeing you and meeting the ones I haven’t had a chance to meet yet.


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